Multi Bet Tool
The Multi Bet tool allows for the placing of multiple bets simultaneously. It is accessed from the right click options on the header of the Main Info Bar, and has various modes of operation.

Drip Feed not available with Dutching/BookMaking

Timed Bets not available with Stop Entry

There are three types of staking methods in Dutching mode.

  • Total Stake - Total amount to divide amongst selections.

  • Profit - Target profit for selections.

  • Minimum Stake - Minimum amount to stake.

Two selections for Dutching at current back price, minimum stake of £2.

There is a liquidity indicator when Now is selected, indicating if the current selection will be fully matched or not.

  • Green - Liquidity available to fully match selection.

  • Yellow - Selection can be partially matched.

  • Red - No liquidity at current price to match selection.

Two selections for Dutching, at current back price, total stake of £100. First selection currently does not have enough liquidity to be fully matched.

Two selections for Dutching, at current back price, target profit of £5.

There are three types of staking methods in BookMaking mode.

  • Total Stake - Total amount to divide amongst selections.

  • Liability - Target liability for selections.

  • Minimum Stake - Minimum amount to stake.

Two selections for BookMaking at current lay price, total stake of £10.

Two selections for BookMaking at current lay price, total liability of £5.

Two selections for BookMaking at current lay price, minimum stake of £10.

Back the field
There are two types of staking methods in Back the field mode.

  • Stake - Total amount to stake for each selection.

  • Profit - Target profit for each selection.

Back 2 selections at price of 20, £10 for each selection.

Back 3 Selections at differing prices, £100 for each selection.

Lay the field
There are two types of staking methods in Lay the field mode.

  • Stake - Total amount to stake for each selection.

  • Liability - Target liability for each for selections.

Lay 3 selections at a price of 2, with differing stakes.

Lay 4 selections at a price of 3, £10 liability for each selection.

Stop Entry
There are two types of Stop Entry methods

  • Price - When condition is met, then place bet at specified price.

  • LTP - When condition is met, then place bet at Last traded price plus/minus specified amount.

When selection price is >= 9, then place a bet at 9, with a stake of £10.

When Selection price >= 9, then place bet at LTP +1, for differing target profits.

All stop entry bets that have been placed, and not yet met their conditions, will be displayed in the Pending Bets window.

Stop entry bets must have the market open for the conditions to be met.

Drip Feed Bets
In Back/Lay the field, and Stop Entry, there is the option to drip feed the selected bets using the two drop down boxes labelled Drip and Every

  • Drip - Number of times to drip bets into market.

  • Every - Numbers of seconds between drips.

Place 20 lay bets of £25, for a total of £500 staked, every 10 seconds.

Timed Bets
The timing of bets can be controlled using the 5 timing buttons

  • Now - Place the bet now.

  • Today - Place the bet today at a specified time.

  • Tomorrow - Place the bet tomorrow at a specified time.

  • Pre Off - Place the bet at the specified amount before the scheduled start time.

  • Post Off - Place the bet at the specified amount after the scheduled / actual start time.

  • NB Post Off bets must have the market open. If the market is closed, then post off times are based on the scheduled starting times, and not the actual start time.

3 Bets to be placed 10 seconds before the estimated Pre Off time.

All future timed bets will be displayed in the Pending Bets window until triggered.

Menu Options
By right clicking on the Multi Bet Tool header, the following menu options are shown…

  • Tick Offset - Sets the Tick Offset options for bets placed via the Multi Bet Tool

    • OFF - Tick Offset will not be applied to bets placed via the Multi Bet Tool

    • CURRENT GLOBAL - Tick Offset will be applied at the time you click the “Bet” button based upon the global settings in the “Staking & Tools” window.

    • LIVE - Tick Offset will be applied based upon the specific rules in place at the time the actual bet is placed. { For conditional pending bets, this can be at a later time than when you click the “Bet” button. }

  • Fill or Kill - Sets the Fill or Kill options for bets placed via the Multi Bet Tool

    • OFF - Fill or Kill will not be applied to bets placed via the Multi Bet Tool

    • CURRENT GLOBAL - Fill or Kill will be applied at the time you click the “Bet” button based upon the global settings in the “Staking & Tools” window.

    • LIVE - Fill or Kill will be applied based upon the specific rules in place at the time the actual bet is placed. { For conditional pending bets, this can be at a later time than when you click the “Bet” button. }